Author: Phusck
Progreess can be followed on Youtrack
Almost every task for creating Skirmish Game Simulator is formulated as a Ticket. These ticket are being tracked in a project management tool called Youtrack. If you find it interresting to see what the future holds, and what is prioritized, You can follow along here:
2D Terrain Finally Tackled
Letting the designers of make make custom shaped 2d Terrain was a bit of a challenge, but it is now in the game in its first form, now it just needs to be made user friendly
Milestone (close to)
Tasks, priorities and ideas are more or less being tracked on this Milanote board. If you do not have a Milanote account, you can actually help out by signing up with this referral link (Tots free)
Website is up
Ready to start the first step of connecting with the outside world.Which is the whole point of the simulator!